Over a series of blog posts we will be sharing
with you what we have been doing whilst working from home, and giving you an
insight into some of the interesting collections and items we have come across
whilst the Record Office has been closed.
Look up ‘peppercorn
rent’ online and you will see it defined as a very low or nominal amount of money to be paid as rent, often used
when renting to a family member or friend. This type of charge is not related
to the value of the piece of land or building being rented, but is enough of an
exchange for the purposes of a legal contract and maintains a formal
landlord/tenant relationship.
One of the projects we
have been working on over the past few weeks is improving and updating our
online listings and while updating descriptions for of some of our earliest
deeds I came across this in the DDX collection, where a rose was the charge for

Having asked colleagues
if it was unusual for a flower to be used as payment (answer: No), I had a look
for some other examples in our collections. It was not uncommon for a nominal
rent payment to be requested in the form of a peppercorn, a red rose or a pair
of white gloves. Here in DDS 17/13 from 1497, the initial rent is payable by a
red rose at Midsummer (21st June) and a peppercorn at Martinmas (11th

In this document from
the late C12th early C13th payment of two white gloves or one penny is

And in this deed from
1291, the land owner has asked for a pair of white gloves, a rose and a barbed

If you want to see how
common these forms of peppercorn rent were, particularly in Medieval times, you
can find more examples by searching our online catalogue. Go to Advanced Search
and type peppercorn, red rose, white gloves or barbed arrow into the Any Text

you would like to read some other amusing examples of peppercorn rents
and the feudal system of land ownership, take a look at this JSTOR Daily article. Maybe that’s why sprouts became a popular Christmas
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